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Small in the City 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Small in the City 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


【盛大的微小:一場由圖畫主導的敘事詩】“Small in the City”, Sydney Smith 當我們翻開第一頁,如切進電影的第一幕,簡單的四個格子和窗外的景色變化,就描繪出主角正搭著公車,前往未知的某處。她起身按鈴、下公車,無須言語或文字,只透過圖畫,卻彷彿讓我們感受到公車裡的寒冷與沉默、發出下車預告的鈴聲劃破車內的寂寥,及進入城市裡的各種喧鬧。 “I know what it's to be like small in the city.” 第一句獨白點破主角(及讀者)的感受,計程車喇叭聲大響,人潮在四周不停流動,行人各自神色匆匆,住在大城市裡的好處是一切很容易隱藏、很容易被忽略。開始下雪了,我們的主角繼續走,而電影的鏡頭如蒙太奇般不斷轉換,我們的視線一下飛在高空,俯瞰擁擠人群,一下又極為貼近某個行人的臉或紅綠燈,視覺不斷在13個小格子裡翻轉,同時我們也瞥見作者Sydney Smith高明且充滿電影/漫畫敘事風格的創作手法。 如同引領著主角繼續往前,讀者也擠抓著僅有的獨白才能勾勒出完整的故事線,我們於是繞開有三隻狗在爭吵的街道、選擇在噴著白色熱氣的通風口旁休息、經過熟悉的魚販攤、走過傳出聖歌的紅磚教堂,雪越來越大了,地面開始被層層白雪覆蓋,此時,主角拿出了什麼東西貼在電燈杆上... Sydney Smith運用精湛的分鏡技巧和敘事線,與近乎還原真實照片般強大的畫功,利用簡單的光影對比,就能呈現出讓我們驚嘆的細節,黑色線條俐落地建構出不同層次的空間,佐以簡單的顏色點綴,帶領讀者進入整個故事,走進這個虛幻卻又真實的大城市中。Sydney Smith的作品不僅連三年入選紐時10大童書,也榮獲加拿大總督獎、英國凱特格林威獎,在繪本職人賴嘉綾老師 Charlene Lai 專訪Sydney Smith的文章裡也提到,他創作的繪本頁數都是40頁,且拿到文字後會先用分格的方式畫下每一頁部分的小細節,讓整本書讀來有種律動感,或許就是如此細心卻又不經意的巧妙安排,才讓他筆下的繪本即使拋開文字,依然動人且百讀不倦。 It can be a little scary to be small in a big city, but this child has some good advice for a very special friend in need. Winner of the Ezra Jack Keats Award for Writer! A New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Book of the Year An ALA Notable Children's Book A Capitol Choices Noteworthy Title It can be a little scary to be small in a big city, but it helps to know you're not alone. When you're small in the city, people don't see you, and loud sounds can scare you, and knowing what to do is sometimes hard. But this little kid knows what it's like, and knows the neighborhood. And a little friendly advice can go a long way. ISBN-10: 0823442616 ISBN-13: 978-0823442614 Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 0.4 x 11.3 inches Alleys can be good shortcuts, but some are too dark. Or, there are lots of good hiding places in the city, like under a mulberry bush or up a walnut tree. And, if the city gets to be too much, you're always welcome home, where it's safe and quiet. In the first book that he has both written and illustrated, award-winning artist Sydney Smith spins a quiet, contemplative tale about seeing a big world through little eyes. Winner of the Governor General's Literary Award A New York Times Best Children's Book of 2019 A Wall Street Journal Best Children's Book of the Year An NPR Best Kids Book of the Year A Washington Post Best Children's Book of the Year A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Best Picture Book of the Year Named a Best Book of the Year by Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, School Library Journal, the Horn Book, Shelf Awareness, and many more! A 2019 Booklist Editors' Choice A BCCB Blue Ribbon Book







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