豬豬哥倆好,遠距離的友情不減反增 “Toot & Puddle” 嘟嘟與巴豆是一對超級好朋友,一起住在和樂無事的Woodock Pocket,但嘟嘟喜歡往外跑,旅行是他的興趣,探索這個世界的各種地方,但巴豆不一樣,比起出門,他更喜歡宅在家的輕鬆自在。 嘟嘟準備計畫一場為期一年的環遊世界之旅,高至阿爾卑斯山,低至深邃的大西洋海域,嘟嘟原本要和巴豆一起去的,但巴豆,最終還是決定待在家裡。 於是這對好友要暫時分開一年,嘟嘟踏上充滿未知和不確定的壯遊,巴豆則在自己熟悉的環境展開一場不同於日常生活的冒險,透過明信片,他們互相交換旅程和新體驗的感受,雖分隔兩地,卻從未真正遠離彼此。嘟嘟和巴豆是知名繪本創作者Holly Hobbie1997年時創作的繪本角色,風靡至今,超過20年,這兩隻小豬早已是繪本界哥倆好排行的常勝軍。使用色彩明亮的水彩渲染技法,加上故事敘述採用雙線進行的手法,讓讀者一邊看嘟嘟的國外旅行見游,一邊看巴豆在家發揮創意的精采生活,雖然一年不見,但心的距離卻總是那麼近。 Toot and Puddle are the best of friends. But when Toot leaves Woodcock Pocket to travel and see the world, Puddle chooses to stay at home. Just when Puddle begins to miss his old friend, he embarks on some of his own adventures-right at home. Finally, after Toot returns from his year-long trip, the two discover that true friendship knows no boundaries. With a delightful mix of humor, warmth, and a classic style all her own, Holly Hobbie captures the all excitement and joy that surround adventures-near and far-and reminds readers that true friendship knows no boundaries. ISBN-10: 0316080802 ISBN-13: 978-0316080804