本書可說是Highlights貼紙系列的最高級,本書附上50個以上的立體澎澎貼紙 讓讀者自由創作在書頁間,每一頁都是看圖說故事,邀請讀者找找看哪裡怪怪哪裡不合邏輯? 雖然在童書的想像世界裡怎樣怪都不奇怪,但我們還是能在其中找到相較之下更奇怪的小細節(這就要考驗大人是否懂得小孩想像世界的潛規則啦,當然小孩一定都知道!),然後,在你想要的地方,添加貼紙,讓故事更怪到一個不行。這不是超級好玩又純粹為了樂趣而生的遊戲書嗎?一定要來體驗看看! That's Silly, a favorite Highlights puzzle, is the backdrop for interactive play with its more than 50 kid-pleasing repositionable puffy stickers. Kids can find silly things in each puzzle and embellish each scene with the puffy stickers. Kids will love laughing aloud as they find hundreds of silly things in 20+ full-color That's Silly!(TM) puzzles. They can also decorate each scene with the included puffy stickers by adding squirrels on bikes, mice in boats, and more. ISBN-10: 168437250X ISBN-13: 978-1684372508