Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, 2)《野林三部曲2︰野林地下城》青少年英文小說 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Under Wildwood (Wildwood Chronicles, 2) 《野林三部曲2︰野林地下城》中譯本為博識圖書出版 時間來到嚴冬,Prue 已經離開野林好幾個月,但她心中始終無法放下那片森林。野林彷彿不斷召喚著她回去。在平靜、單調的生活中,她萬萬沒料到,一場針對她而來的暗殺行動正悄悄進行。 Curtis 現在是強盜學員,和強盜們住在新的營區。獲知暗殺情報後,他受命去解救 Prue。但難纏的刺客緊追不捨,整個森林危機四伏,Curtis 和 Prue 遭遇了前所未有的挑戰。 在森林外的工業廢料場,有個工業大亨利用孤兒做童工,而且想盡辦法要進入「無法通行的荒野」。Curtis 的姊姊和妹妹竟也落入了他的手中。她們不服管教,惹上了麻煩,卻也愈來愈接近 Curtis 失蹤的真相。 儘管邪惡的陰謀鋪天蓋地,這些孩子面對艱難的考驗,展現了膽識與機智。在絕境中,他們將發現森林裡超乎想像的奇異地帶。 ISBN: 9780062024732 Ever since Prue McKeel returned home from the Impassable Wilderness after rescuing her brother from the malevolent Dowager Governess, life has been pretty dull. School holds no interest for her, and her new science teacher keeps getting on her case about her dismal test scores and daydreaming in class. Her mind is constantly returning to the verdant groves and sky-tall trees of Wildwood, where her friend Curtis still remains as a bandit-in-training. But all is not well in that world. Dark assassins with mysterious motives conspire to settle the scores of an unknown client. A titan of industry employs inmates from his orphanage to work his machine shop, all the while obsessing over the exploitation of the Impassable Wilderness. And, in what will be their greatest challenge yet, Prue and Curtis are thrown together again to save themselves and the lives of their friends, and to bring unity to a divided country. But in order to do that, they must go under Wildwood. 小提醒: 此書書頁採毛邊設計,因此書頁左邊不整齊是正常的喔!