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The Dreamer 諾貝爾得獎詩人聶魯達自傳 Pam Munoz Ryan 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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The Dreamer 諾貝爾得獎詩人聶魯達自傳 Pam Munoz Ryan 描述

"The Dreamer " by Pam Munoz Ryan 在廣袤的汪洋大海,會有怎麼樣的冒險等待著最渺小的船隻? 一個在角落裡靜靜觀看、愛作白日夢的害羞男孩要怎麼以文字實現他的夢想? 以一個害羞、愛作夢的智利男孩為主角的虛構傳記,作者巧妙地把許多事實的細節和故事串連在一起,從男孩與父親的衝突、心靈的成長,繼母與叔叔的支持鼓勵,對大自然的熱愛以及當地政權帶來生活的影響,使得我們可以一步步認識這位傾心於愛情、政治的智利詩人聶魯達的創造性與敏感的心靈。 作者Ryan詩意與散文的筆法,穿插的文字模仿著巴勃羅·聶魯達詩歌的風格,加上繪者Sis異想天開的鋼筆墨水點畫的插圖,以想像力與視覺的圖像拉動著讀者的思緒,進入巴勃羅·聶魯達的詩想世界。在書末更有收錄十餘首聶魯達的詩詞,讓讀者們回味無窮。 From the time he is a young boy, Neftalí hears the call of a mysterious voice. Even when the neighborhood children taunt him, and when his harsh, authoritarian father ridicules him, and when he doubts himself, Neftalí knows he cannot ignore the call. He listens and follows as it leads him under the canopy of the lush rain forest, into the fearsome sea, and through the persistent Chilean rain on an inspiring voyage of self-discovery that will transform his life and, ultimately, the world. Combining elements of magical realism with biography, poetry, literary fiction, and transporting illustrations, Pam Muñoz Ryan and Peter Sís take readers on a rare journey of the heart and imagination as they explore the inspiring early life of the poet who became Pablo Neruda. ISBN-10: 0439269989 ISBN-13: 978-0439269988

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