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Number the Stars (1990紐伯瑞金獎) 青少年英文小說 Lois Lowry 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Number the Stars (1990紐伯瑞金獎) 青少年英文小說 Lois Lowry 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


何謂真正的勇氣? 這是作者Lois Lowry特別為青少年書寫結合史實而動人心弦的故事,遠在北歐的丹麥在二戰時期飽受納粹摧殘,讓讀者跟著年僅十歲的小女孩安瑪莉目擊,各個平凡如你我的丹麥人、猶太人與納粹人在這樣的時空背景下的撕裂與糾纏,並藉由安瑪莉與躲藏在她們家的艾倫一家的遭遇,反覆探索詢問自己何謂真正的"勇氣"。在納粹軍人夜襲探查家戶時,安瑪莉毅然決然地一把扯下了艾倫身上象徵猶太信仰的大衛之星項鍊,並緊緊握在手中,為的就是不讓艾倫暴露猶太身分。在她手中的大衛之星不僅是猶太人的信仰、納粹攻擊的目標更是安瑪莉決心保護的那顆星。 In Nazi-occupied Denmark, ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen is called upon for a selfless act of bravery to help save her best friend from a terrible fate. Winner of the Newbery Medal, newly reissued in the Essential Modern Classics range. “They plan to arrest all the Danish Jews. They plan to take them away. And we have been told that they may come tonight.” It is 1943 and life in Copenhagen is becoming complicated for Annemarie. There are food shortages and curfews, and soldiers on every corner. But it is even worse for her Jewish best friend, Ellen, as the Nazis continue their brutal campaign. With Ellen’s life in danger, Annemarie must summon all her courage to help stage a daring escape. Inspired by true events of the Second World War, this gripping novel brings the past vividly to life for today’s readers. ISBN:9780547577098




(。ˇε ˇ。)(。ˇε ˇ。)(๑˙❥˙๑)(。’▽’。)♡ 超讚的啦


出貨速度快,書寄出時都有好好保護它們???? 收到後檢查書況皆良好沒有凹折???? 謝謝賣家的用心????



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