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Home Fire 曼布克獎提名小說 Kamila Shamsie 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Home Fire 曼布克獎提名小說 Kamila Shamsie 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


Home Fire, by Kamila Shamsie 【根深蒂固的歧見將引起一場大火,燃燒並使家分崩離析】 Isma 終於自由了。他們一家是來自巴基斯坦的英國移民,在母親過世後,多年以來身為大姊的她獨自扛起了照顧、陪伴年幼弟妹的責任,現在終於能夠追隨延遲已久的夢想到美國念書。然而她還是不能不牽掛著這對龍鳳胎弟妹 Parvaiz 和 Aneeka,住在倫敦的妹妹 Aneeka 個性過於固執、鑽牛角尖,弟弟 Parvaiz 則是為了追隨他們根本不認識的爸爸-為聖戰證明自我而失蹤。當 Parvaiz 的再次出現是在地球的另一端,也應證了 Isma 內心的恐懼。 而帥氣的 Eamonn 走進了妹妹的生命,他是有權政要人士的兒子,身為長子他擁有繼承家業的責任。他會是 Aneeka 美好的愛情嗎?抑或是政治援救 Parvaiz 的機會?然而 Isma 早該料到的是-一場有關種族、宗教、政治與階級的混亂即將席捲他們的家庭。 作者Kamila Shamsie本身即為巴基斯坦與英國雙重國籍的小說作家,在此書中能看見她生動地描寫出不同階級、經濟狀態、性別、宗教的角色們各式各樣的生活狀態,除此之外還巧妙地結合了希臘悲劇《安蒂岡尼》的情節與暗喻於小說中。這本小說的主題從裡到外,探討了家庭、本土與移民、宗教與激進主義,甚至擴大到了全球恐怖主義,它充滿了政治,然而,生活何處不是政治。 Isma is free. After years of watching out for her younger siblings in the wake of their mother’s death, she’s accepted an invitation from a mentor in America that allows her to resume a dream long deferred. But she can’t stop worrying about Aneeka, her beautiful, headstrong sister back in London, or their brother, Parvaiz, who’s disappeared in pursuit of his own dream, to prove himself to the dark legacy of the jihadist father he never knew. When he resurfaces half a globe away, Isma’s worst fears are confirmed. Then Eamonn enters the sisters’ lives. Son of a powerful political figure, he has his own birthright to live up to—or defy. Is he to be a chance at love? The means of Parvaiz’s salvation? Suddenly, two families’ fates are inextricably, devastatingly entwined, in this searing novel that asks: What sacrifices will we make in the name of love? ISBN: 9780735217690






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