暢銷小說“Legend”系列作者Marie Lu最新作品! 開啟女性觀點的架空歷史小說,顛覆傳統思維的精采佳作 【不再沉默的聲音,不再被隱沒的天賦】 如果,莫札特有個姐姐,和他才華一樣出眾,她能像莫札特一樣被世人所記住嗎? 答案是,不行,因為18世紀的女士練鋼琴,只是為了能把自己早點嫁出去,而不是有所成就。 就算那個人,是天才音樂神童莫札特的姐姐也一樣。 娜南柔很早便顯露她對音樂的天分,她熱愛音樂,喜歡鋼琴,高超的技巧不輸給任何一位男性,但她那如暴君般嚴厲又保守的父親認為女子就該安分守己,不該展露天賦四處炫耀,娜南柔的琴藝也只是為了加入豪門的陪襯品。而她的音樂夢也隨著弟弟—沃夫岡 ‧ 阿瑪迪斯 ‧ 莫札特越發優異的超群天分,一天天逐漸黯淡,當她已經快要捨棄夢想之時,一位突來到來的陌生男子擁有不可思議的魔法,他對娜南柔說,他可以完成她的夢想,但伴隨而來的是娜南柔始料未及的代價... 在親情與夢想之間拉扯,娜南柔以一個女性之姿,挺身追夢,同時帶著她和弟弟深厚的手足情感,寫下屬於自己的動人故事。 Two siblings. Two brilliant talents. But only one Mozart. Born with a gift for music, Nannerl Mozart has just one wish--to be remembered forever. But even as she delights audiences with her masterful playing, she has little hope she'll ever become the acclaimed composer she longs to be. She is a young woman in 18th century Europe, and that means composing is forbidden to her. She will perform only until she reaches a marriageable age--her tyrannical father has made that much clear. And as Nannerl's hope grows dimmer with each passing year, the talents of her beloved younger brother, Wolfgang, only seem to shine brighter. His brilliance begins to eclipse her own, until one day a mysterious stranger from a magical land appears with an irresistible offer. He has the power to make her wish come true--but his help may cost her everything. In her first work of historical fiction, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu spins a lush, lyrically-told story of music, magic, and the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister. ISBN : 9780593110591