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Radiant Child 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 描述

【2017 Caldecott凱迪克金獎—綻放光芒永不熄滅】《Radiant Child》 作者Javaka Steptoe將美國曾紅極一時當代傳奇藝術家Jean-Michel Basquiat(1960-1988)成長的故事化為繪畫與細膩精簡的文句,相信繪本迷一定有看過他的作品,繪本”Life Doesn't Frighten Me”就將他的作品與Maya Angelou的詩結合在一起。 Basquiat於布魯克林出生,身為南美移民的第二代,從小熱愛畫畫;他的畫從不畫在線上,沒有規範、沒有束縛,好像亂塗亂著,卻別有一番美感。小時候他的母親Matilde時常帶他上美術館,坐在地上陪他畫畫。七歲時他的人生驟然改變,首先他遇上一場嚴重車禍,再來他的父母也在這段期間分居,母親受精神疾病的折磨被送進療養院,年幼的他頓時失去母親與精神依靠。 17歲他離家隻身前往紐約,靠自己畫的明信片與T-shirt維生,也不停四處塗鴉畫畫,他混和繪畫、塗鴉及剪貼自由形象繪畫風格,引起大眾的注意,並獲得前輩的賞識。詩人及藝評家Rene Ricard,在著名的Artforum發表一篇”The Radiant Child”向全世界介紹這位震撼藝術界的新秀。Basquiat的藝術生涯如彗星驚人的畫過天空綻放,作者在繪本中特別強調Basquiat與母親的連結,即使成名之後他仍維持青少年以來的習慣,帶著畫作探望他母親,用他的畫將他與母親緊緊維繫在一起。他的藝術創作一如塗鴉的精神,直言、無畏、勇於衝撞體制,不屑藝術評論家的點評,為藝術也為自由的追求展現耀眼的個人風格。 Somewhere in Brooklyn, a little boy dreams of being a famous artist, not knowing that one day he would make himself a king. Jean-Michel Basquiat and his unique, collage-style paintings rocketed to fame in the 1980s as a cultural phenomenon unlike anything the art world had ever seen. However, before that, he was a little boy who saw art everywhere: in poetry books and museums, in games, in the words that we speak and in the pulsing energy of New York City. Now, award-winning illustrator Javaka Steptoe's vivid text and bold artwork echoing Basquiat's own style introduces young readers to the powerful message that art doesn't always have to be neat or clean - and definitely not inside the lines - to be beautiful. ISBN-10: 9780316213882 ISBN-13: 978-0316213882

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