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The Gap of Time 《時間的縫隙》挑戰莎士比亞改寫系列第一彈 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Gap of Time 《時間的縫隙》挑戰莎士比亞改寫系列第一彈 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


挑戰莎士比亞系列作第一彈! 邀請各國知名作家共襄盛舉,將莎士比亞經典劇作改寫成現代小說 【在時間的空隙裡,尋找愛的足跡】 英國才女珍奈‧溫特森改寫《冬天的故事》,場景移到現代英國,跨越兩代、命運交錯的故事即將上演! 李奧和米米(赫米歐妮)是對外人稱羨的金童玉女,李奧是公司的執行長,美麗又有氣質的米米是知名歌手,但其實不然。李奧一直質疑米米肚子裡的孩子不是他的,而是他們的共同好友—賽諾的孩子,李奧和賽諾相識多年,他們是同一個學校的學生,兩人相當要好的同時卻又彼此忌妒,李奧忌妒賽諾受人歡迎的完美個性,賽諾忌妒李奧良好的家世背景,但諷刺的是,他們都同樣愛上米米,但最終米米和李奧結婚。 醋勁大發的李奧居然突發奇想,謊稱米米的孩子生下來就去世,實際上是託人將米米的新生兒送走,但過程卻出了意外,李奧的大兒子卻在這場不軌的策畫中不幸過世,讓米米受到重大打擊,悲痛至極的米米無法再和李奧相處,兩人於是婚姻破裂,米米遠走他鄉,李奧也因為自責陷入無盡的低潮... 遠在遙遠的新波西米亞城,一對黑人父子意外撿到一個白人棄嬰,薛普發現這個棄嬰旁邊還有好幾袋錢,認為應該是某個有錢人的私生子,於是薛普將錢以嬰兒的名義存進銀行,並將這個孩子視如己出,也就是帕蒂塔。帕蒂塔受到薛普一家人的關懷和照顧順利長大,但她的身世如同謎團,直到她遇見了來自英國、與父親不合的少年扎爾,一切終於露出穿透烏雲的曙光... The Winter’s Tale is one of Shakespeare’s “late plays.” It tells the story of a king whose jealousy results in the banishment of his baby daughter and the death of his beautiful wife. His daughter is found and brought up by a shepherd on the Bohemian coast, but through a series of extraordinary events, father and daughter, and eventually mother too, are reunited. In The Gap of Time, Jeanette Winterson’s cover version of The Winter’s Tale, we move from London, a city reeling after the 2008 financial crisis, to a storm-ravaged American city called New Bohemia. Her story is one of childhood friendship, money, status, technology and the elliptical nature of time. Written with energy and wit, this is a story of the consuming power of jealousy on the one hand, and redemption and the enduring love of a lost child on the other.






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