How to Trick a Christmas Elf 聖誕節繪本 (平裝) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
想知道你出現在聖誕老公公的「好小孩清單」還是「調皮鬼清單」嗎? 聖誕老公公身邊的精靈小幫手可是評斷的關鍵人物喔! 想偷看清單的話,你得先過小精靈這一關! To find out whether Santa thinks you’re naughty or nice, you’ll need to trick an elf into letting you see the list! Legend has it that the only way to find out if you’re on Santa’s naughty or nice list is to trick an elf into letting you sneak a peek! But be careful: elves are tricky themselves! To get a look at the list, you’ll need to be clever in crafting a distracting craft to catch the elf’s attention. So, grab some Christmas supplies like ribbons, twinkle lights, bows, and candy canes, and get prepared for your sly holiday visitor! On the nights leading up to Christmas, one of Santa’s elves will show up to keep watch on kids and to report on their naughty or nice behavior! However, if you’re careful and clever and quick, you can set up a beautiful little sleigh that will distract your elf, and then you’ll be sure to get a glimpse at Santa’s list!