Max and the Talent Show 【Reycraft Books 優質精選繪本】 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Max and the Talent Show 【Reycraft Books 優質精選繪本】 描述
【黑人男孩美麗的登場,出演女孩的故事】 Max的好友Stephen是故事高手,能把故事說好的主因是想像力十足,每個故事腳色他都親身體驗,能沉浸海盜故事中,也能和Max展開栩栩如生的逃難計畫,有時也認真扮演太空人,彷彿真實遨遊宇宙,學校的才藝表演,Stephen打算穿上美麗的長裙,閃亮的高跟鞋,擔任助手的Max要怎麼陪好友成功演繹一個”女孩”的故事呢? Max’s friend Stephen is great at many things. But more than anything else, Stephen can tell a story. His stories have the ability to change listeners’ initial impressions of people and situations. When Stephen signs up for the school’s talent show, Max signs up to be his assistant. After selecting that just-right dress and those just-right shoes for the show, the moment arrives. Stephen steps onto the stage. The lights shine brightly in his face. He looks out into the crowd knowing he has prepared everything, except the one thing that matters—his performance. What will Max, standing in the wings, do to help his friend?
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