Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde 作品集 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde (Essays) 當你的沉默再也無法讓你免於受害,你會選擇挺身而出,還是避而遠之呢? 本書收錄非裔美國女詩人兼作家 Audre Lorde 的演講、隨筆以及詩作,而其中關注的主題便是如何將言語化作行動,以及沉默作為一種暴力形式在歷史中的影像力。 Your Silence Will Not Protect You is a 2017 posthumous collection of essays, speeches, and poems by African American author and poet Audre Lorde. It is the first time a British publisher collected Lorde's work into one volume. The collection focuses on key themes such as: shifting language into action, silence as a form of violence, and the importance of history. Lorde describes herself as a "Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet", and addresses the difficulties in communication between Black and white women. The collection is made up of five sections. A preface by Reni Eddo-Lodge, an introduction by Sara Ahmed, 13 essays, and 17 poems, and a Note on the Text. As the Note on the Text states, many of the essays in the collection were given as papers at conferences across the U.S. Further, Lorde often revised early poems and re-published them, so many of the poems in this collection are the latest versions of Lorde's work. 9780995716223