Little Women 《小婦人》《她們》電影原著小說 Louisa May Alcott 電影封面版 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Little Women 《小婦人》《她們》電影原著小說 Louisa May Alcott 電影封面版 描述
永遠的文學經典!四姊妹的動人成長故事! 被改編為新世代的小婦人電影《她們》入圍多項奧斯卡獎提名 【女人啊,要胸懷大志!】 正值南北戰爭時期,雖說是苦哈哈的生活,但馬區家的四姊妹總是為屋子裡帶來歡笑,大姊梅格溫文賢淑,二姊喬古靈精怪點子最多,三姊貝絲內向膽小但喜愛音樂,小妹艾美聰明調皮愛計較,雖然一家人並不富裕,但深知每個女兒個性的母親總能為女兒們帶來滿滿的力量,她們也分擔母親的辛勞,並祈禱戰場上的父親能早日歸來。她們的鄰居勞倫斯家雖然身分地位和經濟狀況優渥,卻也相當喜歡善良又親切的馬區一家,勞倫斯先生甚至將自己的鋼琴送給貝絲彈奏,而他的孫子羅利則和馬區家四姊妹成為最要好的朋友。 喬熱愛寫作,寫劇本,寫小說,並要大家一起配合演出,誇張有趣的劇情成為她們最棒的童年回憶;個性較成熟的梅格則開始參加社交活動,渴望擁有自己的家庭;個性內向不喜歡離家的貝絲最喜歡鋼琴,雖然膽怯但非常善良,而小妹艾美則一心嚮往變成有錢人,被他們的有錢親戚馬區姑姑寄予嫁入豪門的厚望,四姊妹截然不同的個性,在成長的過程裡互相影響牽動彼此,她們一路跌跌撞撞,有的選擇待在故鄉,有的走入婚姻,有的在夢想與實際間掙扎,但無論時間如何造化,唯一不變的是她們永遠擁有彼此,並活出各自精采的人生。 Little Women has remained enduringly popular since its publication in 1868, becoming the inspiration for a whole genre of family stories. Set in a small New England community, it tells of the March family: Marmee looks after daughters in the absence of her husband, who is serving as an army chaplain in the Civil War, and Meg, Jo,Beth, and Amy experience domestic trials and triumphs as they attempt to supplement the family's small income. In the second part of the novel (sometimes known as Good Wives) the girls grow up and fall in love. The novel is highly autobiographical, and in Jo's character Alcott portrays a strong-minded and independent woman, determined to control her own destiny. The introduction to this edition provides a fascinating history of the Alcotts,and of Louisa Alcott's own struggles as a writer.
Little Women 《小婦人》《她們》電影原著小說 Louisa May Alcott 電影封面版 商品選項
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