Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 : The Third Wheel (7: 情人節歪歪) 英文版 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 : The Third Wheel (7: 情人節歪歪) 英文版 描述
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 : The Third Wheel 英文版 (無中英對照) Greg Heffley is not willing to be the odd man out. A dance at Greg's middle school has everyone scrambling to find a partner, and Greg is determined not to be left by the wayside. So he concocts a desperate plan to find someone—anyone!—to go with on the big night. But Greg's schemes go hilariously awry, and his only option is to attend the dance with his best friend, Rowley Jefferson, and a female classmate as a "group of friends." But the night is long, and anything can happen along the way. Who will arrive at the dance triumphantly, and who will end up being the third wheel? 情人節要辦舞會?讓我來當愛神邱比特!一個也別想逃! 自從學校宣布舉辦情人節舞會,葛瑞的世界從此天翻地覆! 深怕找不到舞伴的葛瑞使出渾身解數,想辦法獲得女生的青睞, 屢戰屢敗的他最後聽信突然來家裡借住、結過四次婚的嘉瑞叔叔建議: 1. 提高身價:買一堆「棒棒糖傳情」送給自己,讓女生以為他很搶手 2. 突顯優點:找一個能在女生面前襯托自己的「約會幫手」(最佳人選當然是榮利!應該吧?) 眼看距離舞會只剩下短短的三天,其他要去舞會的人都已經湊成對了,葛瑞和榮利是否能順利找到舞伴呢?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 : The Third Wheel (7: 情人節歪歪) 英文版 商品選項
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 : The Third Wheel (7: 情人節歪歪) 英文版 屬性
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7 : The Third Wheel (7: 情人節歪歪) 英文版 用戶評測