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Helbling Readers Classics: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 文學簡讀本 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Helbling Readers Classics: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 文學簡讀本 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


Helbling Readers Classics: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 經典名著精選 英文分級閱讀 適合程度:CEF A1, Cambridge KET, Headwords: 400, 全民英檢初級 About this Book單元: 分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有本書文法結構要點。 Before Reading/After Reading: 閱讀前/後各有問題提問與練習,幫助理解作品內容並培養賞析 與批判思考能力。 精選深受青少年喜愛的經典名著,或專為青少年所寫的有趣故事。 依據CEF分級閱讀,讓英文學習精準到位。 附有CD光碟,同時訓練閱讀與聽力技巧,還有聽力練習活動。 配合本書學習,提供免費的教學資源,包括練習單、解答及聽力練習原稿。 About the Book Dorothy thinks she is lost when a terrible cyclone carries her and her dog Toto to the magical land of Oz. So she decides to go to the Emerald City and ask the Wizard of Oz to help her go home again. On the way she meets the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion who all have a special wish to ask the Wizard. Can the Wizard make their wishes come true? And can Dorothy find her way home again? 陶樂絲和她的小狗托托被捲入一個神祕的奧茲王國。她決定要求奧茲巫師幫助她回家。途中她遇到兩個夥伴,也想去找巫師完成心願,於是結伴冒險前進,他們能不能順利找到巫師,達成自己的願望呢? About the Author作者簡介 Lynam Frank Baum(包姆) was born in Chittenango, a small town in the state of New York in 1856. His father is a businessman and the family is rich. Frank has eight brothers and sisters and his childhood is very happy. He is a shy, quiet boy and his health isn’t very good. He doesn’t go to school and he studies at home with a teacher. He loves reading. His favourite stories are traditional European fairy tales but he doesn’t like the violence and the frightening creatures in them. When he writes The Wonderful Wizard of Oz at the age of 44, he wants to write a different kind of fairy tale. Baum has many jobs before he becomes a successful writer. He manages his own theatre and writes plays for it. In 1897 he writes a book of nursery rhymes in story form: Mother Goose in Prose. The book sells well and Baum decides to stop working and concentrate on writing. In 1900 he publishes The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and it is an immediate success. Baum dies on 6 May, 1919 and is buried in California. ISBN: 9783852725468 書號:10012567 出版日期:2013年4月 開本裝訂:25K,彩色平裝(附CD) 頁數:92頁 類別:語言學習 系列:Helbling Readers, Red Series







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