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Alphabet Animal Friends Boxed Set 我的動物好朋友 26個字母歌謠盒 附CD 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Alphabet Animal Friends Boxed Set 我的動物好朋友 26個字母歌謠盒 附CD 規格

Alphabet Animal Friends Boxed Set 我的動物好朋友 26個字母歌謠盒 附CD 最新價格

Alphabet Animal Friends Boxed Set 我的動物好朋友 26個字母歌謠盒 附CD 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Alphabet Animal Friends Boxed Set 我的動物好朋友 26個字母歌謠盒 附CD 描述

我的動物好朋友—英文字母盒,學英文字母首選收藏 26的動物好朋友帶你認識26個字母 精美盒裝書,附完整聽力,每本字母讀本的一開頭搭配可愛郎朗上口的的歌曲,同時帶入擬人化的動物主角例如:Ella the elephant,一隻一邊吃著eggplant的大象。讀本最後設計的總結小遊戲。目的是為了讓孩子們再次熟悉讀本中所有學過的相關單字,貼心的為幼兒加入以圖代替字的閱讀提醒,滿足朗讀英文時的成就感! ●詩歌為文體,幫孩子了解字母大小寫、讀音、寫法以及動物的名稱 ●熟悉字母與每個代表字發音的關聯性 ●搭配真實相片,熟悉每個字母代表字彙 ●結合I Spy with My Little Eyes與孩子們一起重複練習 ●附CD,收入25首可愛歌曲,輕鬆律動學習 ●附教學指引 What is Alphabet Animal Friends? Learning the alphabet with a friendly cast of animals has never been more fun! The new and unique Alphabet Animal Friends is chock-full of playful rhymes, photos of real objects and animals, cute illustrations, and wonderful songs that help children learn effectively. Engaging photos, illustrations, rhymes, and songs help young children learn: Phonemic awareness Letter recognition and formation Sound/symbol relationships Oral language vocabulary Alphabet Animal Friends is ideal for PreK-K classrooms, day care centers, and home. Why is Alphabet Animal Friends essential for early childhood education? Children’s knowledge of letter names and sounds is a strong predictor of their reading and spelling abilities. Mastering the alphabetic principle is a keystone of early literacy – a primary objective of both preschool instruction and intervention. Include: 24 Readers, 8-page-book 1 Guide for Parents and Teachers 1 Audio CD with 25 Songs Readers Size:14.5 X 14.5 cm Box Size: 16 X 16 X 4.5 cm ISBN 9781478801146 書林店員小提醒: ✓書林全店新品,無二手書 ✓有庫存者都有現貨,可直接下單

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兒子喜歡 讚


一開始寄錯了商品,跟客服反應後隔天就收到正確的商品,處理非常迅速 ???????????? 這套小書也非常棒,音樂很好聽,很適合當小小孩洗耳朵的背景音樂 ????????????

每個字母的單獨發音,超幫忙自己教發音的父母。音樂曲風多,小孩很喜歡。 音樂放下去,我家兒子就ㄧ首ㄧ首去找那首歌的書,絆住他半個小時沒問題。 這套書真是媽媽的好幫手



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