四款文學家隨行本,封面簡樸摘錄名家語錄,空白內頁可自由書寫,輕薄易攜帶。 William Shakespeare(莎士比亞) / Oscar Wilde(王爾德) / Virginia Woolf(吳爾芙) / Jane Austen(珍.奧斯丁) 尺寸:B5( H18cm×W13cm) 名家語錄 王爾德- Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.──Oscar Wilder 吳爾芙- Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in foreign tongue.──Virginia Woolf 莎士比亞-There is no darkness but ignorance.──William Shakespeare 珍奧斯汀-Life seems but a quick succession of busy nothings.──Jane Austen