Trumpet of the Swan 《天鵝的喇叭》青少年英文小說 E. B. White 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
美國散文名家 E. B. White 以愛護動物,發揮人道關懷為主旨,寫了三本童書,公認為兒童文學經典之作;Stuart Little《小不點司圖爾特》、The Trumpet of the Swan《天鵝的喇叭》以及Charlotte's Web《夏綠蒂的網》。 《天鵝的喇叭》故事簡介 Louis是隻「啞巴」天鵝,他暗戀美嬌鵝Serena,但她並不領情而且嘲笑他不能發出優美的歌聲。Louis的父親愛子心切,不忍心見其子受愛煎熬,竟去偷了一隻喇叭,讓Louis能吹出愛的樂章吸引Serena。Louis如何籌錢給這店家?Serena又是如何回心轉意呢? E.B.White描述動物與人的互動時,總是生動且韻味十足。Sam和Louis是一拍即合的搭檔,他們共同經歷校園甘苦,然而Louis無法同其他天鵝高歌的心結,始終困擾他的家人。直到Louis借走Sam的喇叭,事情有了轉機。勇氣、自由的真諦在陪伴與分離洗滌下,備受珍惜。環境的共用不再只是人類說了算,天鵝優雅的存在亦為周遭人類生活帶來啟發與希望。 The delightful classic by E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, about overcoming obstacles and the joy of music. This edition features Fred Marcellino's gorgeous illustrations in full color! Like the rest of his family, Louis is a trumpeter swan. But unlike his four brothers and sisters, Louis can't trumpet joyfully. In fact, he can't even make a sound. And since he can't trumpet his love, the beautiful swan Serena pays absolutely no attention to him. Louis tries everything he can think of to win Serena's affection—he even goes to school to learn to read and write. But nothing seems to work. Then his father steals him a real brass trumpet. Is a musical instrument the key to winning Louis his love? "We, and our children, are lucky to have this book." —John Updike ISBN:9575860691 書林店員小提醒: ✓書林全店新品,無二手書 ✓有庫存者都有現貨,可直接下單