The Girl Who Drank the Moon《喝下月亮的女孩》青少年英文小說 Kelly Barnhill 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
"The Girl Who Drank the Moon" by Kelly Barnhill 【現代女巫神話——超魔法蛻變奇幻森林】2017紐伯瑞青少年小說金獎得主 誰說女巫都是邪惡的?有沒有可能人類有限的理解力與知識無法參透女巫這樣的存在?住在「保護區」的人類以他們自以為的方式去討好女巫——每年獻祭一位嬰兒。然而讀者稍後會發現這位人類眼中所懼怕的女巫——Xan,其實善良又寬大,她收養了一隻愛作詩的泥怪,以及一隻自認為是巨龍並長著彩虹色皮膚的小小龍。她每年都忙著處理被人類棄養的小嬰兒,以星光餵飽他們後送到森林另一頭的好人家收養。 然而有一次Xan卻誤把月光餵給了小女嬰,月光讓女孩有非比尋常的力量與魔法,應該不是一般人類家庭能撫養,Xan決定自己收養女嬰,把她取名為Luna。Luna從小在女巫、泥怪與小龍的陪伴下成長。十三歲時魔法已經到了女巫都無法控制的程度,一天Xan剛好外出不在;而人類正發起消滅女巫的行動,同是人類的Luna該如何應對多方交戰與複雜的心情?而自己能否好好控制她的魔法,展開捍衛或追尋真相的旅程呢? 作者Kelly Barnhill書寫過許多童話傳說類小說,善於創造奇幻魔法世界,並賦予奇特動物與怪物令人莞爾、喜愛的特質。這是一則現代史詩類童話故事,文字有詩文級的優美,角色設定豐富創意,劇情鋪陳有趣多變;作者讓個角色以自己的角度說故事,包含泥怪和小龍的想法。究竟秘密的背後有什麼方法可以和解?小女孩超強的力量能毀滅又能創造什麼呢?結局很催淚,但讀者都在自己心中與書裡找到滿滿的愛,多顆星推薦! #現代奇幻童話小說入坑 Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the Forest, Xan, is kind. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon. Xan rescues the children and delivers them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey. One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. As Luna's thirteenth birthday approaches, her magic begins to emerge--with dangerous consequences. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Deadly birds with uncertain intentions flock nearby. A volcano, quiet for centuries, rumbles just beneath the earth's surface. And the woman with the Tiger's heart is on the prowl . . . ISBN: 9781338167016 書林店員小提醒: 本書為學校專版定價優惠,裝定與印刷精簡、易有瑕疵,若追求高品質或收藏,下單前請考量!