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This is Frank Lloyd Wright 繪本迷真愛收藏 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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This is Frank Lloyd Wright 繪本迷真愛收藏 描述

【因人而生、因建築而生:美國知名建築師萊特 Frank Lloyd Wright】 視自然為天地主宰的Wright從地景與風景汲取他的靈感,兒童期的他對樂高類積木的著迷預言了他未來的志向與職業,伊利諾州大城芝加哥是他展現才華的一重要場域。 有關他的都市傳說與事業轉折,築起一棟棟有活力亦有激情的成品。尤其是坐落於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾(Scottsdale, Arizona)號稱「沙漠實驗室」(desert laboratory)的Taliesin West。西塔列辛中的塔列辛來自英國威爾斯詩人譽為「閃亮的山脊」。Wright在這篇幅廣大之地,將「有機建築」發揮至最大值,透過不斷的收編與修造,即使離世後崇拜他作品的信徒仍會前往拜訪,更被列為美國國家歷史地標。 他所設計作品坐落北美與歐陸各大城市,自美國威斯康辛州發跡、移至北美大城芝加哥、或遠至法國、德國與捷克。他可能被貼上很多標籤:「不忠誠的丈夫」、「極具創意的設計者」、「遠至異鄉的理想主義者」,不可否認的是,他對建築、人、環境三者間所做的改造,生於建築中、更要活於建築中。若有機會參觀,可先參考此網站介紹 Frank Lloyd Wright wasn’t just an architect. He was a prophet, a poseur, a beloved teacher, a failed businessman. During his long, eventful life he experienced both incredible misfortune and great success. This Is Frank Lloyd Wright brings his projects and persona into vivid focus. Wit and visual punch have been the hallmarks of the This Is series to date; the first architectural title in the series will give readers an up-close look at Wright’s progress from difficult childhood, to struggling apprenticeship, to early success, through mid-life setbacks and on to late-life comeback. Beautiful specially commissioned illustrations documenting the important events in his life sit alongside photographs of Wright’s most iconic buildings (including Fallingwater and New York’s Guggenheim Museum). ISBN-10: 9781780678566 ISBN-13: 978-1780678566

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