這是一本輕鬆、生活化卻又知識性十足的環保百科書! 你知道塑膠從何時出現在地球上嗎?你知道塑膠還有哪些分類嗎? 塑膠用品又該如何被回收利用?我們又該做些什麼讓地球免於承受塑膠所帶來的災難? 在這本書中,這些疑惑通通可以到解答! 本書在 Amy 和 Ella 兩位環保小尖兵的帶領下,以具有架構性的程序,搭配易懂的圖解與豐富的插畫,帶我們從「認識塑膠」、「認識現今塑膠災難」、「做出改變」、 「化身環保行動家」、「展望未來」、「起身執行」,帶讀者把環保知識與觀念,帶入日常。 如同書中所提及環保提倡者 Robert Swan 的名言 “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that SOMEONE ELSE WILL SAVE IT.” 身為地球公民一份子的你也不能置身事外,快來和Amy和Ella加入環保小尖兵的行列吧! ★ About Be Plastic Clever Join teenage activists Amy and Ella Meek on their mission to rid the world of single-use plastics in this practical book, perfect for budding eco-warriors. Be Plastic Clever will teach young activists about the dangers of plastic pollution and climate change, but also to help them find their voice. Amy and Ella want their book to help young readers shout about the issues they are passionate about and inspire them to become young activists in their own right. Amy and Ella founded Kids Against Plastic with the goal of ridding UK supermarkets of single-use plastic bottles. Their campaign has grown and grown - together they've picked up more than 60,000 pieces of single-use plastic litter, performed their own TedX talk, and gathered together a crack team of kids across the UK to help them tackle the problem. They've spoken at the Houses of Parliament and the UN, and created the #BePlasticClever campaign to encourage schools, businesses, and festivals to be mindful of their plastic use. Oh, and they also juggle this with going to school! With an incredible foreword by wildlife presenter Steve Backshall, diary entries from Amy and Ella detailing their journey, and plenty of tips on what you can do to help, it's the ultimate guide to ridding the world of single-use plastics. 尺寸 : 13.5 x 1.4 x 20 cm 頁數: 192 Pages ISBN 9780241447079