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Unique Workplace and Career 職場英文 描述

Unique Workplace and Career: English Reading and Vocabulary 出版社:Bookman and Saddleback Educational Publishing 適合程度:Intermediate, 科技大學、大學大一及大二英語課程 級數:CEF B1-B2  擺脫一成不變的枯燥課文,本書內含20篇趣味短文,不只將職場常見的面試須知、跳槽、創業、握手禮儀等主題融入學習,還帶領學生一窺音樂家、律師、油漆工人、旅行業者及空服員等工作的真實面貌,實用性十足。  閱讀理解及語法練習,強化學生核心閱讀技巧 (skimming, scanning, reference),厚實語法基礎。  以有趣又富挑戰性的字彙練習活動,讓學生熟記字彙的Spelling, Meaning, Referencing, Writing, Word Forms。亦可靈活結合網路資源 (Macmillan Online Dictionary, thefreedictionary等),幫助學生熟悉網路查找技巧。  配合課文及活動精心繪製插圖,圖像與文字雙重刺激,增進學習成效。  附錄介紹十個重點文法〈名詞子句、形容詞子句、副詞子句、連接詞、不定詞動名詞等〉,並額外整理出59個職場核心詞條和定義。 本系列共有四本,分別為:  Unique Science and Technology (Grammar Level 1)  Unique Everyday Living (Grammar Level 1)  Unique Workplace and Career (Grammar Level 2)  Unique Media and Marketplace (Grammar Level 2) Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program! Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to  review the fundamental skills that enhance reading comprehension  reinforce the fundamental concepts that boost vocabulary development All books include:  20-24 high-interesting and unique texts from various media and academic sources  a full range of activities to reinforce reading skills and word power  creative text-related cartoons add humor and reinforce memory  essential rules of grammar illustrated in Grammar appendix ISBN:9789574455454 書號:10013007 出版年份:2013 裝訂:平裝 (1書 + 1光碟) 頁數:176頁

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