五年級吵鬧的班上,如果開始展開「不要說話」運動,會成功嗎? 雷克頓小學五年級的男生和女生水火不容,小男孩Dave得知聖雄甘地每周都會禁言一次,打算效法作為挑戰,此舉卻讓女孩們想讓這項挑戰不成功,一場男生與女生的競賽究竟誰能勝出? 本書為美國校園小說家安德魯.克萊門斯繼《我們叫它粉靈豆-Frindle》後,再度創造議題、風靡學生讀者的校園精采代表作品。 It’s boys vs. girls when the noisiest, most talkative, and most competitive fifth graders in history challenge one another to see who can go longer without talking. Teachers and school administrators are in an uproar, until an innovative teacher sees how the kids’ experiment can provide a terrific and unique lesson in communication. In No Talking, Andrew Clements portrays a battle of wills between some spunky kids and a creative teacher with the perfect pitch for elementary school life that made Frindle an instant classic. ISBN-13 : 978-1416909842 •尺寸 : 13.02 x 1.27 x 19.37 cm