Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12 : The Getaway (葛瑞的囧日記 12:假期大暴走) 英文版 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12 : The Getaway (葛瑞的囧日記 12:假期大暴走) 英文版 描述
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12 : The Getaway 英文版 (無中英對照) Greg Heffley and his family are getting out of town. With the cold weather and the stress of the approaching holiday season, the Heffleys decide to escape to a tropical island resort for some much-needed rest and relaxation. A few days in paradise should do wonders for Greg and his frazzled family. But the Heffleys soon discover that paradise isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Sun poisoning, stomach troubles, and venomous critters all threaten to ruin the family's vacation. Can their trip be saved, or will this island getaway end in disaster? 我本來就不贊成出門度假,偏偏沒有人要聽我的…… 一年一度的耶誕節來了!葛瑞的爸媽面對冷颼颼的天氣、百廢待舉的假期, 忽然心生一計,決定帶著一家大小到熱帶小島度假去!全家都對這趟假期興奮不已,只有葛瑞百般不樂意! 葛瑞一家盼望著悠閒的美好假期,迎接他們的卻是緊張刺激的小島大冒險── 在機場弄丟行李、爸爸水土不服,大夥兒還要大戰劇毒的箱形水母、大蜘蛛! 葛瑞一家人要如何化險為夷?難不成美好的小島假期卻要以災難收場?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12 : The Getaway (葛瑞的囧日記 12:假期大暴走) 英文版 商品選項
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12 : The Getaway (葛瑞的囧日記 12:假期大暴走) 英文版 屬性
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12 : The Getaway (葛瑞的囧日記 12:假期大暴走) 英文版 用戶評測