Reading Voyage Expert 1(附CD) Jonathan S. McClelland、Bin Walters 著 書籍簡介 Reading Voyage Expert is a 2-book series designed for low-advanced EFL students who want to enhance their reading abilities. The passages cover a wide range of topics that enable learners to expand their background knowledge. There are also various exercises which allow students to develop reading comprehension, critical thinking and vocabulary skills. Reading Voyage Expert為一系列活潑、有深度,能有效提升英文能力的閱讀教材。共有一、二兩冊,每冊16單元,各有一篇約340至420字的文章,適合程度中等以上的讀者使用。本系列課文多樣、豐富,有Bob Dylan、VR等人文、科技主題,並在不同單元側重不同的閱讀技巧設計習題。書末並有Extra Exercises,進一步提升單字與理解能力。 產品特色 Key Features: ◆ Appealing and informative texts covering a variety of topics ◆ Vocabulary in Context to help identify word definitions and synonyms ◆ Comprehension questions to help identify main ideas and details ◆ Reading Skill and Summary to help students analyze key concepts ◆ Extra Exercises for additional vocabulary and writing practice Components: Student book/Audio CD Online resources: Mp3 files/Vocabulary lists Additional teacher’s resources: Answer Key/Additional test sheets/Teacher’s Guide/PPT 作者簡介 Jonathan S. McClelland * BA in English with a Writing Concentration, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC * Former English instructor at Daewon Foreign Language High School * Current debate instructor for elementary School students * Former curriculum developer at Korean Army Intelligence School * Expert test developer of TOEFL, TOEIC, and TEPS Bin Walters * BS in Biology, Loyola University, Chicago * MA in TESOL, Macquarie University ISBN: 9789574457878 書號: 10016480 出版日期: 2018年8月 開本裝訂: 21*28.5,平裝,附CD 頁數: 144頁 類別:成人ELT