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The BFG《吹夢巨人》羅德.達爾 青少年英文小說 Roald Dahl 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The BFG《吹夢巨人》羅德.達爾 青少年英文小說 Roald Dahl 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


"The BFG" by Roald Dahl 羅德.達爾《吹夢巨人》英文原版小說 羅德.達爾是舉世聞名的作家,創作故事高潮迭起、諷刺幽默,且又充滿人性關懷。作品還改編成電影上映,如國人所熟知的《巧克力冒險工廠》、《飛天巨桃歷險記》,近年的《吹夢巨人》,《小魔女》更是大家童年的精采回憶。 This beloved novel hits the big screen in a major motion picture adaptation from Steven Spielberg and DreamWorks Studios, starring Oscar-winning actor Mark Rylance as the BFG! The BFG is no ordinary bone-crunching giant. He is far too nice and jumbly. It's lucky for Sophie that he is. Had she been carried off in the middle of the night by the Bloodbottler, or any of the other giants, rather than the BFG, she would have soon become breakfast. When Sophie hears that the giants are flush-bunking off to England to swollomp a few nice little chiddlers, she decides she must stop them once and for all. And the BFG is going to help her! From the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda! ISBN-10: 0142410381 ISBN-13: 9780142410387






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