A Wind in the Door 青少年英文小說 Madeleine L'Engle 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
The Wind in the Door, by Madeleine L'Engle 【在遙遠無限渺小中,永遠相信且無懼】 本書為青少年小說最重要科幻小說《時間的皺褶》作者Madeleine L'Engle的第二部曲,在時間五部曲系列中各自有線索與重要角色,也可個別存在獨立完整的故事。主角梅格為了照顧天資異稟而被其他同學霸凌的弟弟瓦勒斯,天天替身上有新傷的弟弟擔憂。然而,弟弟說出看到遠方有龍在飛的驚人之語後卻得了奇怪的病,無藥可治。平時最常與她作對的校長也忽然像詭異的複製人一一出現在她眼前。宇宙的裂縫好像開了一道縫,好的壞的全都漂浮其中。 心急如焚的梅格不顧一切踏上未知冒險的空間異旅程,逐漸發覺地球之外,宇宙其他生物的秘密。原來弟弟遭遇外星邪惡的生化攻擊,校長的複製人也是同樣的際遇。幸好她遇見了巨人Blajeny,與他組隊練習看透與穿透時間與空間的間隙,看透事物本質,感應直覺的引領,在黑暗與光明,失序與正義,狹隘於自身與理解體諒的迂迴小路上懵懂前進。超越自身的勇氣與愛,讓她從看不見的微小細胞中創造無限延展,盛大的天與地。 A Wind In The Door is a fantastic adventure story involving Meg Murry, her small brother Charles Wallace, and Calvin O'Keefe, the chief characters of A Wrinkle In Time. The seed from which the story grows is the rather ordinary situation of Charles Wallace's having difficulty in adapting to school. He is extremely bright, so much so that he gets punched around a lot for being "different." He is also strangely, seriously ill (mitochondritis -- the destruction of farandolae, minute creature of the mitochondria in the blood). Determined to help Charles Wallace in school, Meg pays a visit to his principal, Mr. Jenkins, a dry, cold man with whom Meg herself has had unfortunate run-ins. The interview with Mr. Jenkins goes badly and Meg worriedly returns home to find Charles Wallace waiting for her. "There are," he announces, "dragons in the twins' vegetable garden. Or there were. They've moved to the north pasture now." Dragons ? Not really, but an entity, a being stranger by far than dragons; and the encounter with this alien creature is only the first step that leads Meg, Calvin, and Mr. Jenkins out into galactic space, and then into the unimaginably small world of a mitochondrion. And, at last, safely, triumphantly, home. 10.62 x 1.37 x 17.45 cm ISBN: 9780440987611