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Dialogue with Monologue A Study in Shakespearean Soliloquy 描述

內容簡介 Unique features— ☆ selected Shakespearean soliloquies with commentary ☆ the prosody of Shakespeare's verse and how to recite it ☆ the function of Juliet's soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet ☆ four types of soliloquy in Shakespeare's plays ☆ samples from the long speeches of Portia, Lear, and Prospero with commentary ☆ readings by Mr. Joseph Graves, Ms. Robin Nordli, and other well-known Shakespearean actors 彭鏡禧教授研究莎士比亞戲劇多年,發現劇團甄選演員常要求演員演出莎劇獨白片段,是以開始整理莎士比亞獨白的戲劇語言與誦讀方式。書中選譯四十則獨白,以英漢對照形式呈現,分辨其類別,加上背景提示,並邀請優秀的莎劇演員配音,示範如何以聲音演出。本書帶讀者從不同的途徑進入莎士比亞戲劇的世界,同時滿足戲劇愛好者興趣、實務及研究上的需求。 作者/譯者簡介 A visiting professor at Fu Jen Catholic University, Ching-Hsi PERNG is Professor Emeritus, National Taiwan University, where he retired as Distinguished Professor of English and Drama. Among some thirty books to his credit are three studies on Shakespeare and Chinese translations of Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice. He is also co-playwright (with Fang Chen) of Bond, a bangzi adaptation of The Merchant of Venice, and co-editor (with Beatrice Biqi Lei) of Shakespeare in Culture. His current project is a new annotated Chinese version of Measure for Measure. 彭鏡禧,臺灣新竹縣人。臺灣大學外文系學士及碩士、美國密西根大學比較文學博士。曾於耶魯大學、牛津大學、芝加哥大學研修,曾任維吉尼亞大學客座教授、中華民國比較文學學會理事長、中華戲劇學會理事長、臺大外文系主任、戲劇系主任、文學院院長等職。現任臺大特聘教授,擔任莎士比亞、英詩、翻譯等課程,並兼中華民國筆會會長。曾獲七十七年梁實秋文學獎詩翻譯及散文翻譯第一名、中國文藝協會翻譯獎、香港翻譯學會榮譽會士榮銜。 Table of Contents Acknowlegments 009 Part I Introduction Part II Dialogue with Monologue Part III Selected Soliloquies from Shakespeare with Brief Commentary Part IV Some Long Speeches with Brief Commentary ISBN: 978-957-445-402-0 書號: 10010853 出版日期: 2013年10月 開本裝訂:25開,平裝 頁數: 168頁 類別: 戲劇、英語

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