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The Three Musicians 繪本迷真愛繪本推薦 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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The Three Musicians 繪本迷真愛繪本推薦 描述

【三個音樂家與沒見過的怪物:向畢卡索致敬】 “Three Musicians: A Children's Book Inspired by Pablo Picasso” 傳言說那頭狼很強壯,牠有一個稱號叫"fire mouth",口吐火焰的狼讓人民懼怕。國王Minus老是把這隻嚇壞大家的狼掛在嘴邊,甚至用牠做為威嚇人民的統治手法。 四月的美好早晨,四個影子搖擺地走進這國家的城鎮,是三位音樂家與一隻狗,他們在廣場中大喊:「各位、各位聽我說,有什麼喜歡的曲子或愛跳的舞,我們都可以為你們演奏!」久久不開窗的人也被他們吸引。這群不會跳舞、不會歡唱、鬱鬱寡歡且被恐懼壟罩的居民受到三位音樂家的鼓舞,終於打破了沉默說出了困擾已久的難題-那隻不曾謀面卻可怕的"fire mouth"。 其中一位音樂家提出了建議,「你們只想著要獵捕、剷除牠,那怎麼不試試馴服呢?」音樂家們飼養的狗兒在一旁模擬著"fire mouth"先是兇惡又變得馴化、親近的樣子。哇,這神蹟般的提議,讓鎮民們恍然大悟,原來可以這麼做。但這時國王Minus卻站出來反對,究竟是怎麼回事,他不是該保護眾人安全嗎? 畢卡索的畫作風格迥異、色彩分明,眾多的公牛習作練習,更成為傳世作品之一。而他的抽象拼貼油畫《三個音樂家》,就是繪本的靈感來源。繪本將畢卡索筆下的動物,融入社會賦予個性特質,脫胎換骨地把虛擬國度中的人物故事,用畢卡索的畫風筆觸推出。讀完故事後,你一定要欣賞一下封底的原作。線條設計與素材選擇簡直難以超越~ The kingdom of Mirador is terrified of a monstrous, fire-spewing beast that lurks just outside the village walls. No one has actually seen the creature except for the king, whose constant reminder of impending danger turns the village gloomy and joyless. One spring day a troupe of musicians and their dog enters the gates. Suddenly there is fun and romance, song and dance. The people are no longer afraid - until the loathsome beast does, in fact, appear. What happens next will delight children and adults alike as the magic of art and music transforms screams of terror into peals of laughter. Drawing on details of Pablo Picasso's masterpiece Trois Musiciens, artist Vanessa Hie uses brightly hued watercolors, bold lines and graphic images to familiarise children with Picasso's style. The book closes with a reproduction of Picasso's original painting and an engaging lesson on the artist's use of images and symbols, his fascination with theatre and music and his passionate pleas for peace in the wake of World War I. ISBN-10: 3791371517 ISBN-13: 978-3791371511

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