Smart Idioms and How to Use Them 英文成語俚語(含CD) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Smart Idioms and How to Use Them Marlene Paglia 著 內容簡介 SMART IDOIMS AND HOW TO USE THEM includes the most vivid and authentic English idioms with fun and high-impact exercises specifically designed for ESL students in intermediate level. It is a thorough, user-friendly resource designed to encourage learning and knowledge retention for classroom and self-study use. SMART IDIOMS AND HOW TO USE THEM是一本用成語、俚語學英文的中階教材,內容豐富、練習紮實。本書利用各式各樣的道地片語,讓學生練習一般課堂上學習不到的表達方式,也能同時熟悉美、加文化中的各種情境。每單元的練習豐富多變,在不同語境中重複應用所學,讓ESL學生熟能生巧,對於英語的掌握更上一層樓。 本書特色 ◆ 依主題分21個單元,從對話實境中自然而然學習道地成語、俚語。 ◆ 透過閱讀、聽力、字彙解說,反覆練習與例句寫作掌握精確用法。 ◆ 各單元後再加碼Bonus Section,延伸更多內容與範例,充分挑戰。 ◆ 母語ESL教學專家編寫,對話部分附道地美式英語聽力CD。 ◆ 另有課後額外團體活動與趣味練習,供教師備課與課堂演練資源。 作者簡介 MARLENE PAGLIA has been teaching English as a Second Language to students from around the world for three decades. She has a degree in psychology and is an accredited TESL teacher. Marlene currently lives in Woodbridge, Ontario with her husband and his football obsession. ISBN: 9789574458745 書號: 10017753 出版日期: 2019年11月 開本裝訂: 16開,平裝,附CD 頁數: 296頁 類別:成語/俚語/片語