Merry Christmas, Stinky Face 聖誕節繪本 (平裝) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
#小男孩的聖誕小煩憂 #親子問答這本一定要有 聖誕節快到了,臭臉小男孩滿心期待,但是他又有好多擔心與煩惱:怕大雪淹沒了他們家的門,怕大風吹走了家裡的聖誕樹,擔心聖誕老公公的雪橇掉漆,擔心馴鹿角角卡在樹枝上… 別擔心,媽媽對這些都有解決的辦法,快來看看他們準備了哪些東西讓聖誕節萬無一失! 充滿想像力的孩子來自於充滿童心的母親,媽媽的每種解決方式都讓孩子放下心中的擔憂,但可愛的Stinky Face還是有很多問題,而他也漸漸地學會自己找到解決方法... 在這溫馨又美麗的聖誕前夕,讓我們讀這本暖心又有趣的聖誕繪本。 Fans of I Love You, Stinky Face, will love this Christmas story! Stinky Face loves Christmastime...but he still has plenty of questions. What if a big, wintry wind blows his Christmas tree away? What if one of the reindeer gets his antlers stuck in the branches that hang over the roof? Luckily, his imaginative Mama knows how to reassure him that Christmas will be magical! Now for the first time in 8x8I Love You, Stinky Face has sold over 1 million copies and still counting!