"Boy Meets Boy" by Levithan David 【青春有你—當男孩遇見男孩】 看過種種嚴肅正經又充滿悲劇色彩的題材,已經讓你為所有有關LGBT的愛情故事感到窒息而毫無希望了嗎?也許你該換換口味看看這本,一部青春浪漫的校園戀愛喜劇!由一個從小學二年級就覺知同志意義的男高中生Paul,與新熱戀對象Noah-他一見鍾情的傢伙,和前男友Kyle-不確定自己性向的迷途羔羊,還有緋聞對象Tony-備受信仰堅定的家庭拘束的可憐孩子,四個男孩紙充滿誤會、巧合與衝突的愛情故事! This is the story of Paul, a sophomore at a high school like no other: The cheerleaders ride Harleys, the homecoming queen used to be a guy named Daryl (she now prefers Infinite Darlene and is also the star quarterback), and the gay-straight alliance was formed to help the straight kids learn how to dance. When Paul meets Noah, he thinks he's found the one his heart is made for. Until he blows it. The school bookie says the odds are 12-to-1 against him getting Noah back, but Paul's not giving up without playing his love really loud. His best friend Joni might be drifting away, his other best friend Tony might be dealing with ultra-religious parents, and his ex-boyfriend Kyle might not be going away anytime soon, but sometimes everything needs to fall apart before it can really fit together right. This is a happy-meaningful romantic comedy about finding love, losing love, and doing what it takes to get love back in a crazy-wonderful world. ISBN-10: 0375832998 ISBN-13: 978-0375832994