The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates 英文小說 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates 英文小說 描述
國家書卷獎得主塔納哈希‧科茨 繼《在世界與我之間》後最新作品,首部小說“The Water Dancer”問世! Apple TV歐普拉讀書會首本選書 【以水為我的指引,追求自由之路正展開】 在黑人尚未獲得自由的時代,希萊姆是在南方棉花田裡替雇主賣命的黑奴,當他的奴隸母親被輾轉賣至其他地方時,他的腦海中突然抹去了所有關於母親的事,雖然有著絕佳的圖像記憶,卻始終想不太起來他母親的臉,一次他開車過橋,突然眼前閃先他母親跳舞的身影,下一秒便墜落水中,他的貨物和弟弟都掉進河裡,但他卻被水「傳送」出來,他第一次發現自己擁有不可思議的法力,透過水,他可以將物件傳送到距離很遠的地方,那如果這個「物件」是人呢? 希萊姆於是決定運用這項特殊能力,幫助他的同胞脫離奴役之苦,但他察覺要觸發這項能力,就必須不斷回顧過去的記憶,特別是關於他母親的回憶,才能夠成功維持住這份超能力,希萊姆於是打造自己的水中版「地下鐵路」,踏上一段奇妙的旅程。 這部融合科幻和歷史的小說透過虛構的「超能力」,提供黑奴解放之路歷程的另一種想像,也反映出史實,在尚未解放黑奴的年代,多少男女老少的歲月和青春皆因此葬送,如此悲慘的苦痛中,卻仍然瞥見一無所有之人身上散發出的人性光輝。 Young Hiram Walker was born into bondage. When his mother was sold away, Hiram was robbed of all memory of her—but was gifted with a mysterious power. Years later, when Hiram almost drowns in a river, that same power saves his life. This brush with death births an urgency in Hiram and a daring scheme: to escape from the only home he’s ever known. So begins an unexpected journey that takes Hiram from the corrupt grandeur of Virginia’s proud plantations to desperate guerrilla cells in the wilderness, from the coffin of the Deep South to dangerously idealistic movements in the North. Even as he’s enlisted in the underground war between slavers and the enslaved, Hiram’s resolve to rescue the family he left behind endures. This is the dramatic story of an atrocity inflicted on generations of women, men, and children—the violent and capricious separation of families—and the war they waged to simply make lives with the people they loved. Written by one of today’s most exciting thinkers and writers, The Water Dancer is a propulsive, transcendent work that restores the humanity of those from whom everything was stolen. ISBN : 9780593133118