當萬聖節的圓月升起,綿羊群開始忙於裝扮自己,準備來趟冒險之旅! 他們穿越森林,來到了農場,對農場裡的動物們說:"不給糖就搗蛋!" 到底善良乖巧的綿羊群的萬聖節之旅會發生甚麼趣事呢?他們的天敵——狼群是否會躲藏在森林某一處,靜待得到大豐收的綿羊呢? 著名兒童文學作家 Nancy Shaw的冒險綿羊系列繪本得過多項獎項,簡潔的文字和獨特的押韻讓小朋友能琅琅上口;再搭配 Margot Apple 彩色鉛筆的繪畫風格,活潑卻不失細節,一定能讓小朋友在學習phonics的過程中又能享受閱讀繪本的樂趣!另外,board book設計更會讓小朋友愛不釋手! 必買原因 ◎ 好奇綿羊的萬聖節裝扮嗎?快來帶回家吧! ◎大人或小孩都能一起朗誦的韻謠繪本,一定要擁有! As the Halloween moon rises, Sheep are fixing up disguises . . . What will happen when the sheep go trick-or-treating? Could there be wolves lurking in the woods, hoping to waylay them as they return home with their bags full of goodies? In crisp verse and whimsically eerie pictures, Nancy Shaw and Margot Apple tell the lively story of a remarkable Halloween adventure. Fans of this adventuresome flock of sheep will not want to miss this Halloween treat in board book format!