Buddy Readers: Level D (With CD) 英語小讀本盒裝書(再進階) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Buddy Readers (20 Books + 1 audio CD) by Liza Charlesworth 逗趣的故事主角,上演20篇短編故事,成為孩子最麻吉的閱讀伙伴。 當孩子翻開故事,書頁中的角色設定,會巧妙的與孩子產生共鳴。Scholastic出版社最新上市Buddy Readers系列,正是站在與孩子相同的高度與觀點,量身訂做的英文閱讀盒。 Level D系列中共有4個可愛的主角:Mary Fairy(小仙女瑪莉) Sam Snowman(雪人山姆) Harry Spider(蜘蛛哈利)和 Cave Kids。 產品特色: ●此套書共分A-D四級,每級有四個主角,20篇短篇故事。 ●圖文精心設計,完全結合,孩子透過圖像立刻聯想劇情與文字。 ●尺寸適宜,故事重複句型加強閱讀印象。 ●附家長導讀手冊/延伸練習活動單/獎勵貼紙/聽力CD Young learners will love these funny, character-driven, easy-to-read storybooks correlated with guided-reading level D. This unique set includes 5 Mary Fairy stories, 5 Sam Snowman stories, 5 Harry Spider stories, and 5 Cave Kids stories—for a total of 20 tales. As children read, they’ll grow attached to these irresistible characters AND build essential early reading skills. Each story features patterned text and strong picture cues to ensure literacy success. A 32-page parent guide, activity book, and motivating stickers are also included. Age Range: 4 - 7 years Grade Level: Preschool - 2