跨越性別,認識真正的自己,擁有真正的自由 從兩歲起,Jazz就知道自己是存活在男孩的身體內的女生,她喜歡粉紅色、熱愛跳舞,戴上皇冠她就是個公主,她有愛的的家人,還有即使不解但卻對她很友善的朋友們。 本書用輕鬆正面的態度,透過圖文流暢的面對差異,性別認同的迷思在Jazz沒有困擾太久,很快能開心自信的生活。 本繪本傳達簡單和誠實,尊重和理解能讓我們的生活更美好,人和人的相處愉悅遠比彼此不同甚至差異的性別來的重要。 "This is an essential tool for parents and teachers to share with children whether those kids identify as trans or not. I wish I had had a book like this when I was a kid struggling with gender identity questions. I found it deeply moving in its simplicity and honesty."—Laverne Cox (who plays Sophia in “Orange Is the New Black”) From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl's brain in a boy's body. She loved pink and dressing up as a mermaid and didn't feel like herself in boys' clothing. This confused her family, until they took her to a doctor who said that Jazz was transgender and that she was born that way. Jazz's story is based on her real-life experience and she tells it in a simple, clear way that will be appreciated by picture book readers, their parents, and teachers. ISBN-10: 0803741073 ISBN-13: 978-0803741072