You Love Me 《安眠書店》Netflix影集原著小說續集(3) Caroline Kepnes 原文小說 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
You Love Me: A You Novel (3), by Caroline Kepnes 喬已經受夠了大城市,受夠了虛假的、做作的一切,還有那又一次失敗的愛。這一次他準備投奔大自然的懷抱,搬去位於太平洋西北地區純樸、舒適的一座小島上。這麼久以來的勞心勞力,他終於能夠好好地喘口氣。 他在當地的圖書館應徵到了工作,對於書他還是有那麼一點真本事的,因此他也結識了圖書館員瑪莉。而這一次,他不會再干預了,也不會窮追猛進,他要用最老派的方式贏得芳心-隨時空出可以倚靠的肩膀,並且總是能提供舉手之勞。不用多久,他們就能治癒彼此的傷痛,並在這座小鎮開啟幸福美滿的從此以後。然而,問題是瑪莉並非是毫無牽絆的單身女郎,她是一位母親、她有她的人生,她是超級大忙人! 真愛必須是雙方總要能留給彼此空間並為此努力,喬已經重整他的心準備好收納瑪莉,但願她也已經準備敞開心胸迎接喬的愛... ISBN: 9780593231357 Joe Goldberg is done with the cities. He’s done with the muck and the posers, done with love. Now he’s saying hello to nature, to simple pleasures on a cozy island in the Pacific Northwest. For the first time in a long time, he can just breathe. He gets a job at the local library - he does know a thing or two about books - and that’s where he meets her: Mary Kay DiMarco. Librarian. Joe won’t meddle; he will not obsess. He’ll win her the old-fashioned providing a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand. Over time, they’ll both heal their wounds and begin their happily ever after in this sleepy town. The trouble is...Mary Kay already has a life. She’s a mother. She’s a friend. She’s...busy. True love can only triumph if both people are willing to make room for the real thing. Joe cleared his decks. He’s ready. And hopefully, with his encouragement and undying support, Mary Kay will do the right thing and make room for him.