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The Garden of Evening Mists 《夕霧花園》原著小說 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Garden of Evening Mists 《夕霧花園》原著小說 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


“The Garden of Evening Mists”, Tan Twan Eng 電影《夕霧花園》原著小說,2013年Man Asian Literary Prize獲獎作品 【有一種愛情,叫做救贖;有一種原諒,叫做時間】 正逢二戰時期,馬來西亞受到日軍的侵襲,被迫和家人分散的雲林和雲紅姊妹不幸被日軍俘虜,被抓進一所不知名的戰俘營,每天過著煉獄般的日子。雲紅被日軍抓去充作慰安婦,成為日軍洩慾的工具,雲林則被分派到礦坑做著危險的挖礦工作,不料戰爭結束,日本戰敗,撤離前日軍引爆礦坑,只有雲林活了下來。 雲林決心要完成姐姐的遺願—替她建造一座日式庭園,即便她內心痛恨日本人,但毫無基礎的雲林透過關係找到一位滯留在馬來西亞的日本庭園師,中村有朋,她來到中村在山間築造的「夕霧莊」學習造園的技巧。日復一日,雲林逐漸對中村產生好感,而過去的悲慘回憶又讓她陷於痛苦掙扎,懷抱著恨意卻也愛得更深,當庭園完工,中村卻突然失蹤,在眾說紛紜的間諜疑雲下,再次頓失所愛的雲林遭到重大的打擊,只是她不明白,中村背負的秘密與真相,會就此改變她的一生... 由台灣導演林書宇執導,《夕霧花園》頓時受到文壇的矚目,這本曾經入圍國際曼布克獎決選名單的作品,由馬來西亞作家陳團英所寫,藉由故事的進展,他也寫下馬來西亞在二戰時期和戰後的地景樣貌與共同記憶,與其他東南亞國家相似,都曾遭遇日軍的侵襲,見證過恐怖的戰爭暴行與淫慾,倖存下來的人們被迫承載著這些記憶繼續過活,但一切都不會再一樣。心裡滿是創傷的雲林無法自持地愛上中村,卻又無法坦誠相對,而中村也因為侵略國身分帶來的愧疚感,沒有自信承擔這份感情,戰爭帶來的永遠不會只是單方面的痛,且永遠不會消除。 人的記憶很奇妙,當遇到太過痛苦悲傷的事情,有時候會自主失去記憶,將那塊黑影藏在腦海的最深處,強迫自己不想起來,但其實我們始終都沒有遺忘。當多年後雲林回到夕霧花園,必須再次面對逃避大半輩子的痛楚,她才發現她什麼也沒忘記,無論悲痛的或快樂的,唯有選擇接受,擁抱不能承受之痛,推開記憶之門,隱藏在黑暗背後的救贖才能被看見。 Winner of the Man Asian Literary Prize, an "elegant and haunting novel of war, art and memory" (The Independent) from the critically acclaimed author of The Gift of Rain. Malaya, 1951. Yun Ling Teoh, the scarred lone survivor of a brutal Japanese wartime camp, seeks solace among the jungle-fringed tea plantations of Cameron Highlands. There she discovers Yugiri, the only Japanese garden in Malaya, and its owner and creator, the enigmatic Aritomo, exiled former gardener of the emperor of Japan. Despite her hatred of the Japanese, Yun Ling seeks to engage Aritomo to create a garden in memory of her sister, who died in the camp. Aritomo refuses but agrees to accept Yun Ling as his apprentice "until the monsoon comes." Then she can design a garden for herself. As the months pass, Yun Ling finds herself intimately drawn to the gardener and his art, while all around them a communist guerilla war rages. But the Garden of Evening Mists remains a place of mystery. Who is Aritomo and how did he come to leave Japan? And is the real story of how Yun Ling managed to survive the war perhaps the darkest secret of all? ISBN : 978-1602-861800




(´∀`)♡(。’▽’。)♡(๑°3°๑)(*^3^) 很棒



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