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MCR: The Turn of the Screw 碧廬冤孽 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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MCR: The Turn of the Screw 碧廬冤孽 描述

Macmillan Classic Readers : The Turn of the Screw 碧廬冤孽 西洋鬼魅小說不可取代的經典,古宅驚魂~ 美麗女家庭教師,懷著對俊帥紳士雇主的愛慕之心,來到風景如畫的英國莊園華宅。 有親切女管家和天使般可愛的一對小兄妹相伴,種種傳聞與異狀卻蟄伏在美好意象之下,攪擾著年輕不安定的靈魂! 小男孩即將從寄宿學校返家,退學信卻早一步寄達她手上,接著又撞見陌生男子潛伏塔樓、窗外窺望,在湖邊遭遇不可思議的詭譎狀況。家庭教師陷於前任女教師莫名早逝、無解的退學謎團和一連串恐怖異象的漩渦之中,力圖振作,絕不讓邪惡力量奪走她羽翼下的純潔靈魂。 MCR (Macmillan Classic Reader)讀本系列 這套精采易讀的世界文學名著讀本,專為加強英文閱讀能力設計。書末附加的字彙、注釋、重點複習題與另外補充的測驗題目,更是專門針對台灣學生學習需要設計,適合國高中以上英文程度者閱讀。 本書為級數 B,另有課後測驗習題,可作為隨棠測驗或自我測驗。(約2000-2500字) Macmillan Classic Readers Level B Series The Turn of the Screw by Henry James Read the Journal of a 19th century governess, who finds that her job becomes more than teaching two young children, she also has to save them from two evil ghosts. You won't be able to put down Henry James' tale of mystery and horror, one of the most famous ghost stories the world over.

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