Penguin's Classics tote bags- 珍奧斯汀《Pride and Prejudice 》(傲慢與偏見)款 珍奧斯汀為大家再熟悉不過的女性英國小說家了, 其作品《傲慢與偏見》更是家喻戶曉的經典作品! 此款以高調亮橘色作為設計,襯托喜愛文學的你。 喜歡企鵝出版社與珍奧斯汀的讀者們請千萬不要錯過! Take a turn about the room with this tote bag inspired by Jane Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice, the author's most popular novel and a sparklingly witty comedy of manners. ▲產品資訊: ◎100%純棉 ◎請以手洗方式清潔 ◎尺寸: (袋子)長 31.5 x 高 37 x 寬 6 cm (背帶)長 32 x 寬 2.5 cm