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Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep ? 《銀翼殺手》電影原著小說 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep ? 《銀翼殺手》電影原著小說 規格

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Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep ? 《銀翼殺手》電影原著小說 描述

啟發電影《銀翼殺手2049》的經典科幻小說原作! 1968年出版至今暢銷不墜,一代科幻作家菲利普‧ K ‧迪克的畢生代表作 【當機器人學會思考,誰才是該被滅絕的複製品?】 2021年的地球因為歷經毀滅性戰爭,許多人移居火星,運用高科技製造了多仿生人,但這些仿生人實在太過真實,幾乎與人類無異,政府擔心仿生人會群聚引發叛變,故禁止仿生人來到地球,並開始雇用「賞金獵人」來捕捉這些偷渡到地球的仿生人,通過共感測驗確認身分後再將他們立即誅殺。 遭到恐怖戰火肆虐的地球早已面目全非,倖存者整天在灰濛濛充滿輻射塵的天空底下過活,沉迷網路世界,許多人甚至甘願受到電子產品控制,像賞金獵人瑞克的妻子。瑞克自從接下這份工作後已經有了純熟的經驗,即便想要移民火星離開逐漸破敗的地球卻也因為工作動彈不得,當他再次接到任務時,這次是要追殺六個新型的仿生人。 原本不把仿生人當作人類的瑞克,卻在這六個仿生人身上看見充滿人性的悲哀與憤怒,甚至比每天渾渾噩噩生活的人類還像個人,當他遇見瑞秋‧羅森時,完全不敢置信這位美麗的女子是仿生人,靈動的雙眼與富有感情的心,動搖瑞克原本根深蒂固的觀念,但違背任務也意味著和政府作對,而這六個仿生人也不是省油的燈,難以預料的發展即將迎面而來... The classic sci-fi novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which inspired two major motion pictures: Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 By 2021, the World War has killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remain covet any living creature, and for people who can’t afford one, companies build incredibly realistic simulacra: horses, birds, cats, sheep. They’ve even built humans. Immigrants to Mars receive androids so sophisticated they are indistinguishable from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial humans can wreak, the government bans them from Earth. Driven into hiding, unauthorized androids live among human beings, undetected. Rick Deckard, an officially sanctioned bounty hunter, is commissioned to find rogue androids and “retire” them. But when cornered, androids fight back—with lethal force. ISBN : 9781524796976

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