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Mind Your Grammar 2 文法動腦輕鬆學 中學生適用 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Mind Your Grammar 2 文法動腦輕鬆學 中學生適用 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


本系列共有三冊,針對初級(10-13歲學生)、中級(14-17歲學生)、高級(普通讀者、社會人士)量身設計。 編者熟知每個文法學習者背景及語言能力有所不同。收入的參考文章因此多元從不同思考點切入,習題融入思考判斷、圖解練習鼓勵跳出框框伸展思維,讓文法不僵化且具靈活性。 本系列更結合了文學,引導學習者通過寫作、語法活動理解故事,順利閱讀文章,從基本層層累積英語實力。 本書特色 圖表整理,一目了然 文法習題設計活潑,涵蓋許多紙上遊戲 大量示意插圖,讓學習者容易理解 按部就班,累積實力 自我測驗,可分析吸收程度 不提供唯一解答而是附參考答案,讀者可思考判別,自修者亦適用 20 Units of Self-Study Grammar Exercises with Tests!! Mind Your Grammar is a series on parts of speech and grammar items that comes in three books—Book 1 for beginners (10-13 years old), Book 2 for intermediate (14-17years old) and Book 3 for advanced (general) learners. Level of competency may vary, however, due to the educational background of each learner. Therefore, this series have incorporated various forms of notes, exercises and mind-stretching activities to allow flexibility in the learning process. Illustrated exercises and creative formations encourage learners to think ‘outside the box’. Learners may have to resource answers away from the notes given to sharpen their critical and creative thinking skills. The literature component is incorporated as a way of guiding learners into the world of reading through writing, concluding and reading out the stories prepared in the Fun Grammar activity. The multiple intelligence skills are also tested through puzzles and creating stories within the grammar composite. Certain stories run from Book 1 to Book 2 and end in Book 3. This generates interest in learners to follow up on these stories as they progress from the basic items to more advanced structures in learning English. ISBN 9789574453856






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