????兒童人權繪本 ????你/妳是否也有一首屬於自己的歌 【每個孩子都是一首歌:為兒童人權發聲】 當一個孩子來到這個世界時,屬於他/她的歌曲就誕生了,他們聽不見這首歌,但這首歌存在於他們的心跳,存在於他們手裡的風箏迎風飛翔時,存在於他們和家人相處的每一天。 這首歌的旋律與曲調不盡相同,有的充滿叢林的熱帶節奏,有些則在城市裡拍打輕快節拍,有的則高底起伏變幻多端,孩子們的歌曲都是如此悅耳,無論那是個人獨唱還是交響樂,歌聲嘹亮或低調呢喃,孩子的心亦如他們的歌聲,呈現出各自的色彩。 然而,這首歌卻能輕易地被中斷、抹滅,或再也找回不回自己的聲音,可能是被父母遺棄的孩子、可能是因為戰爭而遭到監禁、暴力對待或者流亡各國的孩子,也可能是活在世界邊緣、生活環境極差的孩子,他們的歌聲微弱,甚至快要消失。 為了讓每一個不同的聲音都能齊聲高唱,為了讓每個孩子的歌,無論大聲或微小都有同等的發聲權利,作者Nicola Davies和Marc Martin創作了這本書,獻給世界各地的孩子,也藉由繪本的力量再次向社會大眾高聲疾呼,即便在聯合國兒童福利公約的保障下,全球依然有幾千萬名孩童生活在貧窮線下,無法受到良善的教育與照護,或籠罩於戰爭和性暴力的隱影。為了守護尚未成調的歌聲,為了那些被殘酷扭曲卻未曾放棄的歌聲,仍有賴社會的關注與全民參與。 ISBN: 9781526361417 When you were born, a song began... So begins this lyrical and unique non-fiction picture book by award-winning children's author Nicola Davies. With tenderness and a good deal of heart, Nicola introduces young readers to the universal rights that every child is entitled to under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Using the metaphor of song, the book opens with the arrival of a newborn and its unique 'song', then pans out to explore all the essential things that every song needs to thrive - love, protection, a home, a name, the chance to explore and learn. In the latter half of the book, the issues of child labour, exploitation and war are sensitively introduced to emphasise that we all must play our part in championing children's rights and offering support to those who need it most. With beautiful and deeply moving watercolour illustrations by award-winning artist Marc Martin, this is a book that encourages children, and the adults in their lives, to speak up for young people all around the world, and to treat one another with compassion and kindness.