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One Came Home 紐伯瑞獎小說 青少年英文小說 Amy Timberlake 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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One Came Home 紐伯瑞獎小說 青少年英文小說 Amy Timberlake 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

One Came Home 紐伯瑞獎小說 青少年英文小說 Amy Timberlake 描述

One Came Home, by Amy Timberlake 2014年紐伯瑞獎得獎作品 勇敢無懼的少女踏上驚險的尋人之旅! 13歲的喬琪在鎮上是個頗為知名的女孩—步槍神射手,以及她心直口快的個性,這也造成讓她姊姊阿嘉莎在一次告密事件下憤而離家,加入獵鴿人的行列,阿嘉莎就這麼不見了,就在喬琪自責不已的時候,警長找到一具穿著她姐姐洋裝的屍體,但因為無法辨認臉孔,即便阿嘉莎的葬禮結束,只剩下喬琪堅信,她的姐姐絕對還在某個地方活著。於是她帶上步槍,打算一個人追查阿嘉莎的蹤跡,但這趟旅程遠比她想得還要危機重重,喬琪也在調查的過程中,開始改變過去自己認定的價值觀,最終破解這樁謎團背後的真相。 結合史實事件和虛構小說的青少年文學並不多,作者Amy Timerlake巧妙地結合美國歷史中真實發生過的事件:北美野鴿大遷徙和芝加哥大火災,讓讀者更能感到故事的臨場感,喬琪看著漫天飛舞的野鴿群,和滿森林的棄巢和野鴿屍體,感受到一股肅殺之氣的同時,也體會到人類不斷迫害自然生態所造成的影響,這樣的心境也反映出女主角的心靈歷程與成長證明。 ISBN: 9780375873454 In the town of Placid, Wisconsin, in 1871, Georgie Burkhardt is known for two things: her uncanny aim with a rifle and her habit of speaking her mind plainly. But when Georgie blurts out something she shouldn't, her older sister Agatha flees, running off with a pack of "pigeoners" trailing the passenger pigeon migration. And when the sheriff returns to town with an unidentifiable body—wearing Agatha's blue-green ball gown—everyone assumes the worst. Except Georgie. Refusing to believe the facts that are laid down (and coffined) before her, Georgie sets out on a journey to find her sister. She will track every last clue and shred of evidence to bring Agatha home. Yet even with resolute determination and her trusty Springfield single-shot, Georgie is not prepared for what she faces on the western frontier.

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