#超精美聖誕禮物書 孩子們為聖誕節裝飾樹林中的所有樹木,但有一棵小樹卻被遺忘了。動物們能否在聖誕節來臨前完成任務呢? 閱讀完故事後,你可以跟故事中的動物們一樣,完成一顆屬於自己的立體聖誕樹喔! The children have decorated all the trees in Emerald Wood for Christmas, but one little tree has been forgotten. Can the animals make the tree a spectacular success before Christmas morning dawns? When you’ve read the story, tie back the ribbons to create your own wonderful Christmas tree, then press out the pieces and decorate your pop-up tree, just like the animals in the story!