Lonely Planet: The Kindness Of Strangers 旅遊文學 Don George 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Lonely Planet: The Kindness Of Strangers 旅遊文學 Don George 描述
The Kindness Of Strangers: Tales of Fate and Fortune on the Road 【來自陌生人的善意融化隔閡的冰牆】 本書蒐羅了26個激勵人心的真實故事,描述發自內心的、不經意的善意串起了一段段人與人之間意想不到的連結,這些人際關係彷彿來自世界各地的友善禮物,不斷影響並改變著人們旅行的體驗。 推薦給需要一點溫暖、相信世界還有希望、愛讀散文集的讀者們。 I greatly appreciate the theme of this book that gathers stories of kindness received when it was most needed and perhaps least expected. I am sure they will inspire everyone who reads them, encouraging each of us to take whatever opportunities arise to be kind to others in turn. - His Holiness the Dalai Lama (達賴喇嘛) The Kindness of Strangers is a wonderful companion for travel. It enlarges us, reminds us that serendipity is one of the ultimate joys of life's constant journey. - Amy Tan (譚恩美) A wonderful idea beautifully realized. I enjoyed it immensely.- Bill Bryson #Lonely_Planet #旅遊文學 #散文集 ISBN: 9781786571908
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