"Esio Trot" by Roald Dahl 羅德.達爾 英文原版小說 羅德.達爾是舉世聞名的作家,創作故事高潮迭起、諷刺幽默,且又充滿人性關懷。作品還改編成電影上映,如國人所熟知的《巧克力冒險工廠》、《飛天巨桃歷險記》,近年的《吹夢巨人》,《小魔女》更是大家童年的精采回憶。 Mr. Hoppy is in love with his neighbor, Mrs. Silver; but she is in love with someone else—Alfie, her pet tortoise. With all her attention focused on Alfie, Mrs. Silver doesn’t even know Mr. Hoppy is alive. And Mr. Hoppy is too shy to even ask Mrs. Silver over for tea. Then one day Mr. Hoppy comes up with a brilliant idea to get Mrs. Silver's attention. If Mr. Hoppy's plan works, Mrs. Silver will certainly fall in love with him. After all, everyone knows the way to a woman’s heart is through her tortoise. ISBN-10: 0142413828 ISBN-13: 978-0142413821