【乘蜂漫遊,撒下希望的種子】"Bee & Me" 想了解蜜蜂如何帶動生生不息的開花結果,何不跟著蜜蜂來一趟飛行之旅? 有天一隻小蜜蜂不小心闖進了女孩的家,一開始女孩很驚慌還急忙去找蚊子拍,但她發現小蜜蜂並沒有要攻擊她、反而還奄奄一息的樣子,女孩迅速查了查有關蜜蜂的資料,調製了可口的糖水,幫助蜜蜂恢復體力。日復一日,蜜蜂不只和女孩變成了好朋友,牠還神奇地長大了,他們一起研究地圖畫出採集花蜜、蒐集花粉與種子的路線,後來女孩還乘著蜜蜂一起工作,但此行結束蜜蜂就告別離開了,女孩只能盼望窗外度過漫長的冬天,令她意外的是,曾與蜜蜂一起工作的成果讓女孩所居住的城市在春夏之際綻放了全新的樣貌... 蜜蜂令人類讚嘆之處不僅止於生產蜂蜜,更與農業以及生態息息相關,透過繪本來認識蜜蜂的重要性,護蜂護地球。 A beautiful wordless picture book brings a personal note to the plight of the honeybee and offers a message of hope. A little girl befriends a bee that takes her on a journey of discovery, revealing an action that every child can take to aid in conservation. In a wordless story told through enchanting illustrations, Bee & Me tells a tale of friendship and offers an introduction to the ecology of the natural world. Alison Jay's original artwork brings the story gently to life, pointing out the sadness of a world without bees. An afterword makes clear to readers the important role these endangered insects play. ISBN-10: 0763690104 ISBN-13: 978-0763690106