The Kite Runner: Graphic Novel《追風箏的孩子》原文圖像小說 Khaled Hosseini 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
The Kite Runner: Graphic Novel 《追風箏的孩子》原文全彩印刷圖像小說 written by Khaled Hosseini illustrated by Fabio Celni and Mirka Andolfo 《追風箏的孩子》是美籍阿富汗裔作家卡勒德·胡賽尼的第一部小說,也是第一部由阿富汗裔作家創作的英文小說,此書為漫畫版。其中講述了來自阿富汗首都喀波耳富人區的普什圖少年 Amir 和他的童年好友,父親的哈扎拉僕人 Hassan 之間的故事。故事的背景設定涵蓋了一系列複雜的歷史事件,其中包括阿富汗君主制被推翻,蘇聯軍事入侵,阿富汗難民逃往巴基斯坦和美國,以及塔利班政權的崛起等重要事件。 ISBN: 9781594485473 The perennial bestseller-now available as a sensational new graphic novel. Since its publication in 2003, nearly 7 million readers have discovered The Kite Runner. Through Khaled Hosseini's brilliant writing, a previously unknown part of the world was brought to vivid life for readers. Now, in this beautifully illustrated graphic novel adaptation, Hosseini brings his compelling story to a new generation of readers.